Price Alert

2.16 Price Alert An excellent function to keep you update with the latest market price. You can set a pop up alert for specific currency pair at particular price. Each currency pair can set up to 5 price alert.The Price Alert on stand-by shows as “Monitoring” and change to “Notified” once it is triggered. Add […]

Account Info

2.15 Account Info View your account details, including equity, account balance, floating P/L, margin. ACCOUNT BALANCE HISTORY Tap “Menu” at the bottom > “Account Info” Tap “History” at the top left corner and redirect to the account secure webpage No. Terms Definitions 1 Margin Status (Equity÷Initial Margin) X 100= [~%]If the account’s Margin Status is […]

My Page

2.14 My Page With Mypage, you can customize the iSPEED FX screen to display rates, charts, market news, order functions etc. as you like and save up to 5 screens. How to edit a new Mypage: Swipe to Mypage2, tap “Edit” at the top right corner. Tap “+” to add a new panel. (You can […]

Platform Menu

2.13 Platform Menu Login to iSPEED FX platform, you can access to the real-time price rate and rollover for each currency pair. FX RATESThere are two different layouts of price rate and information. Layout 1 Layout 2 ROLLOVERRollover for each currency pair to be paid or earned based on 10,000 units. NEWSMarket news will be […]


2.12 Login with OTP (Default) Login to iSPEED FX with One-Time Passcode(OTP) to start your trade anywhere anytime! *Please note, only live account need log in with OTP. Please make sure to open account with Rakuten FX (Live account) and prepare Login ID and Password for login.*If you don’t have any Rakuten FX’s live accounts, […]


2.11 Installation Please install iSPEED FX app in your mobile device to trade FX in your convenient way. Access to the app market place to find the iSPEED FX iOS Android If Google™ Play is not available in your country , download the application HERE.   Download iSPEED FX in your mobile device and complete the […]

Chart Setting

2.10 Chart Setting Tap on “Charts” Tap on “Gear” sign on top left-hand corner Select “Mode/Chart Type/Trend/Oscillator” Set 4 Charts Click the “Settings Icon” on the upper left of the platform Select “Currency Pair” or “Period” Click “OK” on the top right of the platform Add Trend/OscillatorProvide 12 technical indicators, including 6 trend indicators and […]

General Setting

2.9 General Setting AS streaming setting Tap on “Menu” Tap on “Settings” for more details Select “AS Streaming Settings” For setting details, please see 1.1.1b Desktop (Marketspeed FX) > AS Streaming (1-click, no hedging) Email setting Tap on “Menu” Tap on “Settings” for more details Select “Change Email/Phone” For setting details, please see 1.9b Trading setting […]